Irish Breakfast: The beginning of my tea obsession. I took a trip to Ireland in high school and it felt like we had tea with every meal. I enjoyed it so much that I learned to make it as close as I could at home.

Cherry Oolong: To get the most flavor out of this tea, I've been pairing it with a cherry honey I bought on a trip to Prague. It's a light, almost floral cherry flavor. I got the tea itself at "Cherry Republic" in Traverse City, MI: they had every possible thing you could think to make with cherries!

Sip and Be Merry: This is a wintertime black tea with strong caramel notes. I've recently been pairing this one with a stroopwaffle on top.

Vanilla Comoro: This is one of my go-to black teas! It's got a solid vanilla flavor, nothing too complicated. Pairs super well with shortbread!